In release 3, results for the analytically derived estimates of ingredient content for non-prescription prenatal MVMs and omega-3 fatty acid supplements were released for the first time. Mean percent differences from labeled values for 20 ingredients were derived statistically by regression analysis after laboratory testing of multiple lots of 71 nationally representative non-prescription prenatal MVMs. For the omega-3 fatty acid study, multiple lots of 84 representative DS were tested for their individual omega-3 fatty acid content. For both studies, mean predicted percent differences from label and measures of variability were reported and the data were linked to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) dietary supplement files. In addition, the adult and children's MVM data and application files were updated.
Adult MVM updates:The DSID-3 results replaced the information that was released in DSID-2. An optimized statistical procedure for regression analyses produced changes in the best-fit regression equations and the dependence of the predicted percent differences on label level. The best-fit model has changed from a linear to a mean model for the majority of ingredients including folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B-12, vitamin C and E, copper, iodine, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium. The models for the remaining nutrients remain the same. However, the changes in predicted percent differences for all ingredients at the most common levels were negligible. Using absolute values for (DSID-3)-(DSID-2) differences, the mean ± SD changes in predicted percent differences from label for vitamins and minerals are 0.44±0.43% and 0.49±0.57%, respectively.
Children's MVM updates: The DSID-3 results replace the information that was released in DSID-2. Optimized statistical procedure for regression analyses produced changes in the best fit regression equations and the dependence of the predicted percent differences on label level.
For the children's MVMs with serving sizes for ages 1 to < 4, the best fit model has changed from linear or quadratic to a mean model for 10 ingredients including folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, copper, iron, magnesium. The models for the remaining nutrients remain the same. However, the changes in predicted percent differences for all ingredients at the most common levels were negligible. Using absolute values for (DSID-3)-(DSID-2) differences, the mean ± SD changes in predicted percent differences from label for vitamins and minerals are 2.1±1.6% and 1.1±1.1%, respectively.
Other DSID-3 Changes: Expansion in regression label ranges and NHANES application tables
Compared with DSID-2, the regression label range in DSID-3 was expanded for 9 out of 18 ingredients in adult MVMs, and for 8 out of 16 ingredients in children's MVMs with serving sizes for ages 4 and older (either to higher label level or lower label level, or in both directions). These ingredients include riboflavin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, vitamin E, copper, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc in adult MVMs, and folic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B-12, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus in the children's MVMs with serving sizes for ages 4 and older. DSID-3 had 2.2% more adult MVM NHANES supplements linked than in DSID-2 and 52.3% more children's MVM NHANES supplements linked than in DSID-2.
Three product categories added a total of six NHANES cycles to the DSID application tables for the first time. The children's MVMs reported in NHANES 2009-10 were linked to analytically derived vitamin and mineral content in DSID-3. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements with labeled fatty acid levels for EPA, DHA or ALA reported in NHANES 2005-06, 2007-08 and 2009-10 were linked to analytical estimates. Non-prescription prenatal MVMs reported in NHANES 2007-08 and 2009-10 were linked to analytically derived vitamin and mineral contents released in DSID-3 for the first time.
In DSID-3, the number of NHANES labeled ingredient values linked in the data files increased by 15.3% overall, including a 4.1% increase for adult MVM supplements (from 19,775 to 20,584) and a 48.9% increase for children's MVMs (from 2,568 to 3,824) as compared with DSID-2. Also, 672 NHANES non-prescription prenatal labeled ingredient values and 673 NHANES omega-3 fatty acid label values are linked to analytical estimates for the first time in DSID-3.