Dietary Supplement Ingridient Database

Adult MVM Calculators

The Adult MVM-2017 calculator is an interactive research tool that reports national estimates for 21 ingredients in adult MVMs. This calculator allows the user to enter ingredient information from MVM labels and generate the appropriate predicted mean values, standard errors (SE) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for those labeled levels. These values can be saved to build a small database for national, regional or local intake studies.

The Adult MVM-2017 calculator uses data from DSID-4 and is based on the chemical analysis of products purchased in 2011. This calculator provides more current data than the calculator with results from the Adult MVM-2009 study (products purchased 2006-07), which reports national estimates for 18 ingredients. The Adult MVM-2009 calculator is still accessible via the link below and can be used for historical data or trends analysis.

Start Adult MVM-2017 Calculator

Calculator Instructions (PDF)

Start Adult MVM-2009 Calculator

The predicted mean value for each ingredient estimates the mean analytical content calculated by regression. For additional information on the DSID adult MVM research, see the Multivitamins and Data Files pages.

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Dietary Supplement Ingridient Database